Call For Presentation

Peering Asia Working Group is now seeking presentations for Peering Asia 3.0.

We are looking for individual speakers offering a presentation on an appropriate topic, or proposal for a panel discussion with relevant panelists. Topics for the conference should be relevant to peering and interconnection. Below are some examples of relevant topics.
– Peering trends
– Peering policy
– Peering operation and technologies
– IXP and/or Data center
– Trends of content and application
– Submarine cables and backhauls

We encourage submissions to focus on the Asia Pacific region. Sales/marketing talks will not be accepted.

Call for presentations opens: 8 July 2019
Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2019
First draft program published: 1 September 2019
Final program published: 14 October 2019
Final slides received: 23 October 2019
Conferences of Peering Asia: 6-7 November 2019

Please send presentation proposals to:

Draft slides MUST be provided with CFP submissions otherwise the Peering Asia WG will be unable to review the submission.
All drafts and complete slides must be submitted in PDF or PPT(X) format only.
Any questions or concerns should be addressed to Peering Asia WG by e-mail at:
pa-committee at

The Working Group will do its best to provide feedback on the submissions as soon as we can, but it is likely that you will not hear of the final results until mid October. We appreciate your patience as we review each submission in detail. Please note that sponsors are not guaranteed a speaking slot, and will be reviewed based on the submitted content.

We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals.
Peering Asia Working Group